Flouride Treatment
Dental Fluoride Treatment in Belpre, OH
Fluoride is believed to be the most effective mineral available to help prevent tooth decay. This mineral is naturally present in minor amounts in almost all food and water supplies. The benefits of fluoride have been documented for over 70 years and are supported by many health and professional organizations.
The documented advantages of fluoride are so convincing that many municipal sources add fluoride to the water to benefit the community with stronger teeth and bones. In Belpre, as of 2019, the municipal water source contained a fluoride concentration of 1.29 ppm.
Why Would I Need A Dental Fluoride Treatment?
The fluoride that most people receive from food and water is not always enough to help prevent tooth decay. We may recommend a professional fluoride treatment for the following reasons:
- Recent history of dental decay
- Children with developing teeth
- Deep pits and fissures on the chewing surfaces of teeth
- Exposed and sensitive root surfaces
- Fair to poor oral hygiene
- Frequent sugar intake
- Inadequate saliva flow due to medical conditions, treatments, or medications
Fluoride alone will not prevent tooth decay.
It is important to practice healthy hygiene habits. Brush at least twice a day, floss at least once a day, eat balanced meals, reduce consumption of sugary drinks (pop/sweet tea/energy drinks/sports drinks), and have a Professional Dental Cleaning at least twice a year.
A lifetime of healthy teeth starts at a young age.
Learn more about what we offer:
Kid’s Dentistry
Family Dentistry
Dentistry for Anxious Patients
FREE Conscious Sedation
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